Appointment of Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet

The Lord-Lieutenant recently appointed Cadet RSM McGerty from the Army Cadet Force as her Cadet for the next year
The Lord-Lieutenant appoints Cadets to assist in official duties and events on an annual basis.   The post of the Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet is held by a young person from one of the three service linked youth movements – Sea Cadets Corps, Army Cadets Force and Air Training Corps.
Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadets are selected by their Cadet Group leaders.  They typically have demonstrated outstanding service and contributions to their respective unit and organisation, and hold a rank of Cadet Sergeant (or equivalent) or above.
Being appointed as a Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet is a great privilege and a highlight of an individual Cadet’s career.  The role includes accompanying the Lord-Lieutenant at high-profile civic and military occasions, such as Armed Forces Day, Remembrance events and Royal Visits, supporting their Lord-Lieutenant and acting as ambassador for their cadet unit and organisation.

Cadets are entitled to wear the Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet badge on the right arm, and are presented with a certificate of appointment.

The Lord –Lieutenant would like to thank the outgoing Cadet RSM Stuart for his support and assistance during the year.